I did manage to pull of the Aurin Costume. It went pretty well, except for the part where I am wearing a corset at a con (because THAT is a a brilliant idea.) Here's a picture of it below. I am definitely planning on doing more WildStar cosplay after the game releases. There is a character in the game my husband designed after me, so I want to cosplay her and in that way I will really be cosplaying myself. How meta...

ANYWHO. The first panel I saw was the screening of the new series 'Salem' for WGN America followed by a Q&A. It is essentially a horror/suspense series, in which they look at the Salem witch trials as if there actually were witches. It was pretty interesting. It was definitely for mature audiences, which makes it an interesting choice for WGN which is currently known for hosting a lot a of re-runs. I believe they said this was their first scripted show. A bold choice. There were two scenes that they had to black out during the screening due to mature content. (One for violence, one for adult content.) The special effects were pretty cool, the 'hag' was pretty darn creepy, and I thought the concept was pretty interesting. Although it used the names of actual historical figures, it is definitely alternate reality.
Second we went to the Teen Titans GO panel. They showed the season finale for season one.
It was puppets. It was hilarious. It was kind of disturbing. This episode was a little look at Robin's psyche and how he deals with the stress of being the leader of the group. Turns out it's puppets. Yep, he keeps a puppet stage and a copy of each titan in his room and play acts scenes. AND the episode was partially filmed with REAL wooden puppets, and a puppet master (which was a sock puppet) who was the villain. I really thought the show was a a pretty maxed out already on a zany level. Apparently I was wrong, they are very determined to push the edges of sanity. It was great.
The Q&A was great and Khary Payton, the voice of Cyborg, was hilarious, and very very talkative. They also revealed many cross over episodes in the future with the rest of the DC universe, such as with Young Justice.
Man, these posts are going to be long aren't they? Boy I do a lot of crap at these cons!
Well next I hit the dealer hall to work on my Thor collection. I had three old Journey Into Mystery Thors, but as I mentioned, my half of the comic book shelf looked pretty pathetic. Thing is, I am just getting started collecting comics, and frankly I can't afford the high grade stuff. You know the, “If I take this out of the sleeve, I will destroy it's 9.5 rating.” ones? Plus, it's a comic book, I want to read it damnit!! WonderCon does definitely have less comic booths than ComicCon, and less silver age, so I shopped around for awhile before I found some options. Then I found a small-ish booth with a few boxes of comics and TOO MANY options. He had many reader copies of Thor half off in the $5-7 range. I still hadn't wanted to spend $40 on comics, so I was agonizing over which ones to pick. As I turned to my husband for help, he said “How about this? I'll take these 3, you take those, and we will buy them all, happy birthday!” (It's my birthday Monday, yay Con for a birthday!!) Awesome husband is awesome. Turns out he wanted to by me some Thor for my b-day anyway, he just thought it would be not right in front of me :P Anyway, now I have 7 new JIM Thors. WOOOO!!!
We went outside, chilled for awhile, then tried and failed to get into a Whedon panel, because we can't keep time, then went to a panel for me to teach me things about self-promotion.
Finally we went to the Geek and Sundry panel with Felicia Day and Will Wheaton. Will talked mostly about his series Table Top, which I must admit, I have not watched yet. It's essentially a review show. Basically you watch awesome and funny people sit together and play a board game. (They go through a lot of guests and a lot of board games.) I am definitely interested in checking it out. Then Felicia Day talked about the new Geek and Sundry show “Spooked” with the new cast. They premiered the trailer, which was cool. The show is a comedy about a group of paranormal investigators (not very good ones) in their misadventures. “They may not be the best ghost hunting team, but you can afford them.” It looked pretty amusing and I will definitely check it out. I admittedly will watch ghost hunting shows on occasion, so I know I will love a comedy version of one.
Felicia and Will
That pretty much ended day one! We hit Bubba Gumps for some seafood. (It IS Good Friday after all) and hit the hay. Tomorrow I will be trying to get there nice and early to hit up the WB panel. (The husband is all psyched for Godzilla.)
And if you managed to get through all that, congratulations! I applaud your fortitude, sir or madam! Only two more exhausted rambling rants to go! God I hope this post makes sense in the morning! Until tomorrow!
~ By GoblinGal
#WonderCon #WCA #WCA2014 #Geek&Sundry #Thor #Salem #TeenTitans #TeenTiransGo #Aurin #WildStar #CarbineStudios #Spellslinger #Cosplay #Marvel #ComicBooks #TableTop #Spooked #WhilWheaton #FeliciaDay
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